Heal The Healer

~Enjoy a Revitalizing
Hot Springs
Summer Retreat~

Learn powerful transformational tools and techniques of self-healing practices

Are you curious about energy practices and self-healing? Do you want to learn about Reiki, massage, and or how to connect to the Earth and elements?

You are invited to spend a glorious weekend learning powerful transformational tools and techniques of self-healing practices from three unique healers over three days at a beautiful hot springs mountain destination in colorful Colorado.

The Healers featured are Grace Tzofia, Gar Bergstedt, and Greg Hill. The three G’s got your back! Grace Tzofia is a Reiki Master with Advanced training, Shamanic Practitioner and Energy Healer and Facilitator of Ceremony. Gar Bergstedt is an Earth Magic Wizard and teacher. Greg Hill is an authentic relating teacher and practitioner of the healing arts of touch.


Come play amongst the wildflowers, and soak in the healing waters at the magical Avalanche Ranch Hot Springs. This sacred destination also offers the generous assistance of indigenous spirits and allies to help facilitate our healing and growth for the highest good.

With the recent New Moon (7/11) in Cancer, as well as the Sun being in Cancer, we will be ultra supported to explore the subconscious depths of our emotions and feelings and allow them to inspire us to greater extents of self-healing and self-actualization.

“Physician Heal Thyself”

(Luke 4:23, KJV)

This quote was originally shared in the time of the Greek philosopher Aesop. Later, it was a challenge to Jesus himself. We live in a day and age where it is most crucial to develop alignment with the self and be able to self-heal. Not only can you not heal others until you can heal yourself, but it is crucial to be able to do so in these uncertain times. This weekend healing retreat is focused on the most essential components of self-healing that we have integrated and shared with clients, colleagues, and friends throughout many communities. These skills and tools will be passed to you through experiential learning. You will learn to sense, feel, and develop acute awareness of your energy, others energy, the energy of your environment, as well as the energy of plants, animals, and minerals.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese healing art that induces relaxation, promotes, stress reduction, and is similar to the “laying of the hands” modality. Reiki is a form of energy healing that is founded on the premise that all of life is supported by an unseen life force energy, which flows through us and is always available. This philosophy is similar in other cultures using the terms  “prana” in India or “qi” in China. The healing benefits of Reiki are multilayered in that they have a positive effect on the physical body, the emotional body, and the etheric or energy body. Reiki is administered by laying the hands on the body or by hovering the hands a few inches above the body. According to reiki.org, “The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.” In a traditional Reiki treatment, the practitioner places their hands palm down on specific energy centers of the body, with customized additional placements for each client. 

Reiki is a wonderful foundational practice for self and other healing and for the development of psychic abilities and sensitivity to subtle energies. In order to practice the healing art of Reiki, one must first receive the energy of Reiki through an attunement process. The Reiki energy is passed from a Reiki Master to a student and thus one becomes part of a lineage of Reiki healers going back to the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui. During this retreat, participants will learn about Reiki, practice Reiki, and receive their Reiki Level I Attunement from Grace Tzofia. Grace Tzofia received all three of her Usui Reiki attunements and ART (Advanced Reiki Training) from Dr. Joseph Meador of the Reiki Institute of Austin. Grace Tzofia is the fourth descendant from Dr. Mikai Usui himself.

Kind Words about Grace
Grace is a joyful and powerful guide into the realms of spirit and the healing of our human bodies. She harmonizes earthly and spiritual matters with an elevated groundedness. Her love and knowledge of science and biology, as well shamanic and esoteric studies, allow for a multidimensional understanding of human healing. During ceremony, I felt lovingly held by her and also an entrustment to honor my individual sovereignty. She allows for each individual to choose for themself and have their experience, with an understanding that what comes up within a sacred container is likely meant to arise for that person. She intervenes only when she intuits is necessary. Grace is a connector – she connects beautiful humans from different backgrounds and does not discriminate in her welcoming of all individuals into this healing work. I’m grateful to Grace for sharing her gifts and medicine with this world with courage, thoughtfulness, clarity, humor, and sacred intention.
You are a very wonderful and gifted healer, From the depths of my heart I thank you so very much For the work that you do in service and love. I’ve met a lot of healers that are not in their integrity and you are definitely aligned with your highest truth and it is a beautiful thing to see somebody holding that container for the planet, Delivering the wisdom and the Energy needed at this time.
– Nathan
I’d like to put in a good word for Grace & her intention-filled gatherings. The Plant Medicine & Dance event she held on Jan 30, simply changed my life. It is a rare & special thing to be touched with such a powerful experience, & to be re-attuned to the majestic energy consciousness living within myself, all living things, and in the Universe. In a private ceremony, I went through a most profound spiritual awakening, and it was Grace who facilitated this. It was also the intense pure energy and intention that had been set from an entire day of soul work. Many factors contributed, but her facilitation was the connecting piece. I’d highly recommend her for anyone seeking spiritual growth, soul change, and deep connection to the ancient healing traditions
– Nicole


Retreat begins on Thursday, July 15th at 3PM
Ends on Sunday, July 18th at 11:30AM


Avalanche Ranch Hot Springs
12863 St. Hwy. 133, Redstone, CO 81623
Near Carbondale, CO.
Between Vail & Aspen
Phone: 970-963-2846


You are cordially invited to participate as one of 8 Sovereign beings invoking your higher self with us in our “Heal The Healer Retreat.”

Energy Exchange

Total Energy Exchange: $999
RSVP: $111 Deposit by June 21st
Full Payment Due by June 30th
Early Bird: $888 by June 8th
via Venmo @Grace-Tzofia


~Times Subject to Change

Thursday July 15, 2021

3:00 PM

Check In to your unique cabin

3:00 PM

5:30 PM

Community Exploration of the Grounds

5:30 PM

6:00 PM

Dinner on your own or with cabin mates

6:00 PM

7:30 PM

Opening Cacao Ceremony, Shamanic Journey to meet your Spirit Guides & Team by Grace Tzofia (in the Loft)

7:30 PM

9:00 PM

Soaking & Integration

9:00 PM

Friday July 16, 2021

11:30 AM

Introduction to Energy Practices & Reiki by Grace Tzofia (in the Yoga Barn)

11:30 AM


Lunch withh cabin mates & Soaking


2:30 PM

Reiki by Grace Tzofia (in the Yoga Barn)

2:30 PM

4:00 PM

Earth Magick by Gar (Hike & Connect with Gaia & Smell the Wildflowers}

4:00 PM

6:00 PM

Dinner with cabin mates

6:00 PM

7:30 PM

Introduction to Nourishing Touch by Greg & Intuitive Touch Therapy by Grace Tzofia

7:30 PM

8:30 PM

Group Practice of Nourishing Touch & Intuitive Touch Therapy

8:30 PM

9:00 PM

Soaking & Integration with Codums by Gar & Grace: Frequency Shifting

9:00 PM

Saturday July 17, 2021

11:30 AM

Continued Introduction to Energy Practices & Reiki by Grace Tzofia (in the Yoga Barn)

11:30 AM

1:00 PM

Lunch with cabin mates & Soaking

1:00 PM

2:30 PM

Reiki continued & Group Practice of Reiki (in the Yoga Barn)

2:30 PM

4:00 PM

Reiki I Attunements (outside in nature)

4:00 PM

6:00 PM

Family Dinner (catered in the Loft or outside)

6:00 PM

7:30 PM

Closing Ceremony

7:30 PM

9:00 PM

Soaking & Integration with Codums by Gar & Grace: Frequency Shifting

9:00 PM

11:00 PM

Community Celebration (surprise treat)

11:00 PM

Sunday July 18, 2021

11:00 AM

Checkout of your unique cabin

Group Photo & Fare Thee Well

11:00 AM

11:30 AM

Leave Avalanche Ranch Hot Springs

11:30 AM

Please Bring

Safety Precautions

In consideration of these times: We are limiting all events to a small number of people in  well ventilated cabins and requesting sick folks to stay home and everyone to measure their temperature prior to coming.

*Abstaining from sugar, caffeine, alcohol & cannabis 48 hrs prior to the retreat is encouraged.

Grace Tzofia

Gar Bergstedt

Greg Hill

Grace Tzofia is a powerful shamanic healer and teacher whose passion is to ignite the flame of your own inner divinity and sovereignty. Grace has studied and completed graduate work in Educational Psychology, counseling, neuroscience, and behavioral integrated care. She received a Masters of Arts in Educational Psychology from The University of Texas at Austin in 2014. Grace formally began her shamanic training in Austin in 2014 and continued her studies with shamans in Hawaii, Costa Rica, and Mexico. Certified with Advanced Reiki Training (ART), Grace received her attunements as an Usui Master Level III Reiki Practitioner in 2016 from the Reiki Institute of Austin. Currently, Grace leads transformational ancestral healing ceremonies with plant medicine and laughter yoga followed by blissful ecstatic dance experiences. 


Grace Tzofia offers a fun and dynamic multimodal approach to teaching by integrating energy medicine, philosophy, practical tools and by infusing her students with embodied and empowering solutions to any blockages to accessing their greatest learning potential.

I’m an energy worker. I can project as well as sense energy. I even go as far as claiming that I’m an energy junky. I just love this stuff. I’ve learned to sense the energy patterns along trails from rocks, trees and other plants. I can blast a space in light so that all darkness is shattered and I do that on a regular basis as training. I’ve learned to detach entities. I can project over distances with light energy and healing. Recently, I got a transmission that transformed my body and mind. I can now heal much faster and I’m working on other abilities. (Too bad these transmissions don’t come with manuals). My day job was as a senior software engineer and physicist. My last contract was for Bose (The headphone company). However, I’m now retired and working full time on spiritual pursuits and investing in the stock market.

I love teaching folks to sense nature from an energy point of view. I take groups on energy walks, where we sense flows, different types of energy, portals, other beings and much more. I have great fun teaching energy exercises, like transmission, blocking, shielding, transforming, etc. I also enjoy teaching Qigong. Join me in this wonderful multi-dimensional world of energy. We can have great fun.

Greg Hill is a sensitive/conscious nature loving renaissance healer.  Greg has been studying and practicing a range of bodywork and body awareness practices for over 20 years.  He has studied western Swedish massage, Tai massage, Tui Na and Korean bodywork, along with other practices.  He has studied level 1 and 2 Reiki energy work.  His latest educational journey into the Shamanic path brings his naturally intuitive and subconscious awareness more into the forefront of his offerings.           

He continues to give workshops on authentic relating and has a private practice assisting individuals in clearing blocks on the physical and emotional/energetic levels in the practice of Nourishing Touch.  Even though Greg began his life after high school in more of the scientific and technological arenas, a recent conversation with an old high school friend reaffirmed that they always saw Greg as “a natural healer”. Both his practice and teaching style is grounded in results while also encouraging personal preference. He understands that everyone is a unique individual and while some people love deep pressure, others don’t like it. Some people absolutely love Tai Massage, while others prefer light/energetic touch. Wherever you are at, you’ll find a flexible and healing time.


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